Identificational repentance

Historical research and spiritual mapping indicate that when particular sins have been committed in a place they continue to have a negative influence.  Whilst we can't change the past, as God's people we can stand in the gap and call a halt to generational sin by identifying with the people and the sin originally committed and asking for forgiveness.

Nehemiah's response to the news of the destruction of Jerusalem was to align himself with the sin of his forefathers and his nation.  His confession is so deep it's as if he'd committed the sin himself:

I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father's house, have committed against you.  We have acted very wickedly towards you.  We have not obeyed the commands, decrees and laws you gave your servant Moses (Nehemiah 1:6-7)

This is an illustration of a type of intercession.  Identificational repentance is simply confessing the sins of a group you identify with.  Release and reconciliation is happening around the world among people who confess the sins of their ancestors to representatives of another group who've been sinned against, so that forgiveness and healing can flow.

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