1. Promote a biblical worldview
Firstly, we're mandated to promote, defend and apply a biblical worldview in an age that increasingly holds to a pantheistic (God is in everything and everything is God) view of the world. In this view, the God of the Bible is no longer seen as distinct and separate from his creation, and all distinctions, male and female, good and evil, true and false, right and wrong, etc, are eradicated.
This is a demonically inspired worldview, where not only the deification of creation and mankind are proposed, but where the State, no longer ministering justice on behalf of God (1 Peter 2:13-14) claims lordship and sovereignty over all human affairs, both religious and secular. This worldview can only lead to chaos and forms of totalitarianism, as every worldview has done since time immemorial. Utopian dreams end as dystopian nightmares.
The biblical worldview that we adhere to, on the other hand, by its very nature, is unique and promotes truth, life, order, peace, security, understanding, wisdom and freedom. It carries God's authority and upholds the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It does not coexist with any other man-made or demonically inspired view of the world. Indeed, it's the rock on which all other worldviews, in due course, will be shattered and exposed for what they are.
The biblical worldview and those of us who uphold it, are seen as a threat to the powers that be, and so are vigorously resisted by secularists and pagans alike. This does not surprise us, since we know that every ideology and worldview unites in resisting the Christian view of the world.
The Bible, the basis of the biblical worldview is God's self revelation. It helps us to see the world, past, present and future, through his eyes. It provides us with the only basis for truth, wisdom and knowledge and a comprehensive and authoritative view of life and morality. It describes how things came into being, why they are like they are now, and where they are going. It's the only objective worldview that makes sense of the world as we experience it today and, at the same time, prepares us for tomorrow.
The biblical worldview takes into account all the great themes of the Bible - the personhood of the triune God, creation, the unseen supernatural realm, evil, the fall of man, the role of the nation of Israel, the incarnation, the death and resurrection of Christ, the role and nature of the Church, the coming Tribulation, Antichrist and the false prophet, the return of Jesus as Bridegroom King, Judgement and Hell, and Christ's Millennial reign. Remove any of these, as some even in the Church are now doing, and you do not have a biblical worldview.
We're committed, with all the insight and energy that God provides, to uphold and promote this biblical worldview and to 'faithfully apply it to every situation we encounter.'
The biblical worldview and those of us who uphold it, are seen as a threat to the powers that be, and so are vigorously resisted by secularists and pagans alike. This does not surprise us, since we know that every ideology and worldview unites in resisting the Christian view of the world . . .