Clash of Kingdoms

Back in the summer, the media highlighted the case of a family-run bakery business in Belfast.  When asked to bake a cake by a gay rights group, which was to bear a slogan encouraging support of same-sex marriage, the Christians who own the firm declined on the basis that they did not want to promote something they fundamentally disagreed with.  A refund was offered, but within a week, the charge was brought against them that they were in contravention of the Equality Laws.

The Equality Commission is to proceed to court with the case against Ashers Baking Company – but now the Commission claims that the plaintive is guilty of religious and political discrimination as well as the original grounds of sexual orientation.

It is well known that the Commission itself supports same sex marriage, so is far from neutral on the issue.  The Commission has the power to decide which political and religious views are acceptable and which are not, by arguing that certain views on same sex marriage may be grounds for political discrimination.  This case also illustrates that the Commission has the power to privatise religion and exclude it from the public square, since they accused the bakers of religious discrimination because their decision was motivated by their faith.

Before same-sex marriage became law, Prime Minister David Cameron assured concerned parties that the law would not ‘cause discrimination’ against dissidents who do not believe two people of the same sex should be able to marry.  He was adamant, yet the assurances are proving worthless and innocent people are being bullied for attempting to live by their Christian conscience.  Interestingly, but not surprisingly, David Cameron signalled his support for the legal action against the bakery, on the grounds that he has a commitment to equality and that ‘tolerance and equality for people of different sexualities is a very important part of being British’.

As many discerning Christians believed at the time, Cameron’s assertions before the law was passed were flimsy, without substance.  It’s naïve to imagine that the government would defend Christians against the gay rights lobby, or any other pressure group for that matter.  Nor can we rely on the goodwill of the public to sway government policy.  When the case first hit the press, ComRes undertook a poll to guage public opinion on the prosecution.  The majority voted that persecution of the bakery was wrong.  Six out of ten thought it was ‘disproportionately heavy-handed’.  More than 50% disagreed with Cameron’s stance on the matter.  But it made no difference.

This case is just one example illustrating the seed change in UK society.  ‘Equality’ means nothing of the kind.  It’s something most people would think was a ‘good thing’, yet it’s so subjective in its definition and application that targeted individuals or groups are treated with anything but equality. 

By assenting to ‘equality’ we’re buying into the undergirding inflexible, intolerant agenda – which takes no notice of public opinion, and deliberately promotes and progresses the new order of society, regardless of party politics.  ‘British values’ are the terms of the godless, humanistic, dystopian nightmare that man is seeking to implement, disguised by so-called liberty and tolerance for all.

Equality laws are therefore a symptom, not a cause, of distress for Christians.  There is a battle raging.  The clash of kingdoms is accelerating.  Allegiance is being demanded.  The Kingdom of this world is violently opposed to the Kingdom of God.  The outcome is certain, but as Satan realises his time is short, he lashes out ever more aggressively.  The decision to make a stand for righteousness is one we’ll all have to make, probably many times, and it may cost us more than media hype or a court case.  Our choice, as it was for the first Christians, is ‘Christ or Caesar?’

Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand! (Ephesians 6:10-13)

For more on this issue, see


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