Legacy of the Sixties

The world we live in now is very different from the one anyone 50+ grew up in and it’s continuing to change at an alarming rate.  There are factors which make it especially true for this particular time. 

Since the turn of the 20th century, the world has changed beyond all recognition.  Two world wars left their indelible mark, and following them the so-called Modern era, which governed our society and culture for a couple of hundred years gave way to the Postmodern era – the world we now live in.  The hinge between these two eras was the decade of the Sixties. 

Satan had a specific plan for this time in history.  There were many servants of Satan in the first half of the 20th century, who caught his vision of the future and articulated it, but we’ll mention just one, Alice Bailey, a New Age guru who documented the demonic plan under the influence of a Tibetan spirit guide.  Her numerous books can be condensed into what is known as the Ten Point Plan.

The Plan was, and is, a deliberate, well-constructed manifesto for removing all traces of biblical Christianity from the face of the earth.  It strikes at the heart of any semblance of God-consciousness, encouraging man’s selfishness and sin to rule the day. 

1.  Take God and prayer out of the education system

2.   Reduce parental authority over children

3.  Destroy the Judaeo-Christian family structure

4.  If sex is free, make abortion legal and easy

5.  Make divorce legal and easy; free people from the concept of marriage for life

6.  Make homosexuality an alternative lifestyle

7.  Debase art – make it run mad

8.  Use the media to change the nation’s mindset

9.  Create an interfaith movement

Her trump card is encapsulated in Point 10, where the State and the Church endorse all the previous points, resulting in chaos.  We’re in that season now, and the scene is set for the final tumultuous years before Jesus returns to bring an end to the dystopian nightmare.

Bailey died in 1949, without seeing the implementation of the demonic plan she was party to.  Her death coincided with the establishment of the United Nations, which was formed to ensure that the nations work together and thus prevent another world war.  The elite in the UN endorsed her Plan completely and are even now making every effort to ensure it’s implemented on a global level.  The Trust she set up, the Lucis Trust, actually controls the prayer room at the UN.

The austerity of the war years and the disillusionment resulting from shattered dreams and hopes during the lion share of the first half of the 20th century gave way to fresh optimism in the post-war years.  The brave new world was both materialistic and humanistic.  Parents of children born after the war had high expectations for themselves and their offspring – but their plans had very little to do with the Judaeo-Christian values which were the backdrop and underlying worldview of their own upbringing.

Despite evangelists like Billy Graham, rather than rising to the challenge and presenting the life-transforming claims of Jesus Christ as he did, in the main the Church abdicated its responsibility.  Church leaders who did speak out tended to be theologians who were questioning the incarnation and resurrection of Jesus in books such as Robinson’s ‘Honest to God’.  When the Church is ill, society is ill.

But that’s only one aspect of what was happening at the end of the war.   The so-called Modern era based on the truth found in science and reason, which was the underlying cultural worldview for a couple of hundred years, was disintegrating.  As the Sixties dawned, the Modern package was thrown out and the way stood wide open for Satan’s demonic plan to be implemented in the transition between the Modern and the current Postmodern era.

The Sixties were a time of rebellion and revolution.  Bob Dylan never prophesied a more accurate word when he sang: ‘The times they are a-changin’.  On the surface of things, there was unparalleled prosperity with a massive increase in expendable income.  More people than ever owned their own homes, there were increased job opportunities for men and women, suddenly there was a growth of two-car families, and there was an explosion in travel and tourism along with a boom in leisure pursuits of all kinds. 

But just below the surface the foundations of society were crumbling and a new age was dawning in more ways than one.  The New Age movement, which escalated during this time, heralded the Sixties as the ‘dawning of the age of Aquarius’.  It foresaw a world on a new spiritual plane, untainted by Christianity, where all creation is equally one and part of the same essence with no separate creator, and where there are no moral, sexual or religious distinctives.  Everything is ‘one’.  It encapsulated all the ‘freedoms’ Alice Bailey’s plan envisaged.

Despite the ‘sex, drugs and rock n’roll’ for which the Sixties are remembered, as far as Satan’s plan is concerned, there are some keys which are signs of what was coming down the track.  Firstly, secular humanism reached its zenith and the Christian traditions in schools and institutions started to be side-lined.  Secondly, with the rise of the radical Feminist movement in the Sixties, women became career-minded and began to fight for top positions in the business world.  This had a devastating impact on the children, who then needed before and after school care.  Parents abdicated their primary responsibility to nurture their children, delegating more and more authority to the secular State.

Thirdly, the Sixties were the decade when The Pill made its debut.  For the first time, sex and procreation were legally separated, and although it was at first only administered to married women, it soon became widely available.  Sexual promiscuity became approved of, and having children outside wedlock began to be seen as a legitimate, trendy alternative to traditional marriage and family for ordinary folk, not just the rich and famous.

It follows, as Bailey’s Plan predicted it would, that if sex is easy come, easy go, then it must have no unwanted consequences.  The hinge year of history is 1967, when the first piece of permissive legislation was passed, allowing abortion under certain circumstances.  What has followed over the next half a century just goes to show that the circumstances are a moveable feast!  Why that year and that particular piece of legislation?  Because today a mother’s womb is the most dangerous place on planet earth and history tells us that whenever Satan comes after our children something greatly significant is about to happen.

In the same year, homosexuality was legalised between consenting adults.  Again, an act of kindness back then has today become the basis for oppressive political correctness and the insistence on ‘British Values’ which victimise Bible-believing Christians.  Who would have thought in 1967 that it would open the door for same sex marriage and compulsory LGBT teaching in all schools – the situation we find ourselves in today?

We can’t talk about the Sixties without mentioning the Beatles.  They, and other pop idols such as the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Marilyn Manson, etc, were influenced by another committed servant of Satan, Alisteir Crowley, whose message was ‘If it hurts no-one, do as you want’.  Moreover, the Beatles’ spiritual pilgrimage to India opened up the hearts and minds of a generation of young people to new forms of spirituality just at the time when young people were looking for something to fill the gap left by secular humanism.

By the end of the 20th century, Postmodernism was well established, the cultural worldview that is the backdrop of our society today.  Now everything has to be equally valid with no ultimate or absolute right or wrong.  Bailey’s Plan envisaged an interfaith movement, where one world religion would emerge.  The World Council of Churches, which has been the vehicle for making this a reality was established in 1948, and mushroomed in the Sixties.  Today we are required to be tolerant of every view, with no moral judgement, and make no claim to having ‘the truth’.  Everything is relative so ‘your truth is as valid as my truth’.  There has been a blurring of the edges of all ‘Modern’ distinctions, particularly in the realms of gender, religion and politics. 

For children of the Sixties, Postmodernism is very hard to navigate, but there has been a sea change and things ‘ain’t what they used to be’.  Consequently, the Bride of Christ finds herself today as an alien and a stranger in the culture.  As Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali remarked recently, we’re no longer living in a post-Christian environment but an anti-Christian one.  Our belief in Jesus as the unique Son of God and only Saviour and Redeemer is offensive to Postmodern man. 

Another Sixties defining moment was the Divorce Reform Act, which allowed divorce under restricted circumstances - another moveable feast.  Last year the redefinition of marriage enshrined in law was the latest step in the implementation of the demonic agenda.  Today, our belief in traditional marriage as a permanent commitment between one man and one woman is viewed as narrow and archaic, as is celibacy outside marriage.  Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. 

Already legislation has set much of the new morality in concrete, and all that remains is for the Church to endorse the changes in society which Satan is at great pains to instil, in line with Point 10 of the Plan.  Sadly some of the true organic Church has imbibed the Postmodern view, and rather than becoming countercultural, has moved with the tide.  Some sincere but deceived former evangelical Church leaders are now blessing homosexual relationships, including religious practices from other faiths in worship services, and encouraging yoga-type meditation in the prayer room, thus opening up to the very evil spirits that the Church on earth is here to stand against.

The compromising and apostate Church is growing rapidly, infiltrating many of our mainstream denominations and Churches, and although there is a remnant of passionate believers who are standing for the truth of the Gospel, our nation is ripe for God’s judgement.

In one sense, as we look forward we’re embarking on uncharted waters, but Jesus foretold what we should expect and the signs to look out for.  And whilst at the hinge of history, in the Sixties, many demonic plans came into play, God gave us plenty of reassurance that his Kingdom is forcefully advancing.  His plans are right on track.  More on this later.  


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Illiberal liberals

23rd June 2017 6:28 PM

Perhaps the announcement by Tim Farron this week, that he realises his Christian faith is incompatible with the postmodern ideaology of the West is an indication of the illiberal attitude of modern society to anyone claiming to live a genuine and committed Christian life . . .

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Getting rid of God

9th December 2016 11:01 AM

. . . until Jesus is crowned King of Kings and all knees bow to him, Satan will continue to pursue his interests in this world . . .

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