The gender agenda

Recently we heard that Britain could be in line to get the first ‘gay’ school, following proposals by the LGBT Youth North West group.  Since many MPs are concerned that as a society we are not doing enough to combat homophobic bullying, they would likely be in favour of the proposal, which would provide a school with 40 permanent places for LGBT (gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender) children.  We’re told the proposal could become a reality in the heart of Manchester within three years.  See

There are as many voices against segregating pupils in this way as those in favour, such as the former education secretary, Tim Loughton MP, and the gay rights charity, Stonewall.  Despite the differences of opinion, it’s worth considering how the LGBT agenda has managed to gain such a high profile, and push for more and more privileges. 

Back in the 1990’s, former Labour MP and one of the figure-heads for the Gay Rights movement, Peter Tatchell, said this:

Lesbian and Gay freedom involves more than mere equal rights.  Rejecting a simplistic law-reform agenda, queer politics celebrates sexual difference, opposes both assimilation and separatism, seeks social transformation and affirms that everyone is potentially queer.

His first sentence is telling: his agenda is far more than equal rights – it’s the transformation of a society’s mind set.  Tatchell’s vision is for homosexuality to be the norm.  This is completely at odds with the Biblical mind set which celebrates the harmony and blessings of distinctively different male and female. 

That an LGBT group can have their proposal for a ‘gay school’ seriously considered is an indication for how far the public has changed its view since homosexuality was decriminalised in the UK in 1967.  Over the years, gay activists have adopted a successful strategy for getting homosexuality accepted.  Legislative decisions passed over the years have ensured that LGBT is treated equally to other ethnic groups.  But not content with that, now the public has to actively affirm gay rights. 

But how has all this come about?  There have been a number of steps.  With the passing of the Homosexuality Bill 1967, first the activists ‘came out of the closet’.  As they became more accepted by society, they began to demand their rights.  Then they demanded that everyone should recognise those rights.  More recently they have demanded that the rights of those who oppose them should be stripped away.  So it is today.  Anyone belittling or opposing their agenda are labelled as bigots or homophobes (a particularly offensive term, insinuating that their opponents are mentally ill). 

Now, we face the situation in the UK where anyone who wishes to exercise their own conscience (let alone their Christian convictions) and resist the gay activists’ agenda is in danger of losing their job and their reputation.  They are unlikely to be supported by any British court or even the European Court of Human Rights.  In practice this means Christians could well find they can no longer be adoptive parents, or registrars, or state-school teachers.  Some are facing this already.  So what are some of the other effects of the LGBT agenda?  Let’s look at a few.

What are the effects of the LGBT agenda on our society? 

Homosexual ‘marriage’ guarantees that any children within that relationship will have either no father or no mother.  The comments made in ‘English Ethical Socialism’ by A N Halsey, Professor of Social Policy at Nuffield College, Oxford, must surely apply to such ‘marriages’ too:

No one can deny that divorce, separation and birth outside marriage and one parent families as well as cohabitation and extramarital sexual intercourse has increased rapidly.  Many applaud these freedoms.  But what should be universally acknowledged is that the children of parents who do not follow the traditional norm (i.e. taking on personal, active and long-term responsibility for the social upbringing of the children they generate) are thereby disadvantaged in many major aspects of their chances of living a successful life.  On the evidence available such children tend to die earlier, to have more illness, to do less well at school, to exist at a lower level of nutrition, comfort and conviviality, to suffer more unemployment, to be more prone to deviance and crime and finally to repeat the cycle of unstable parenting from which they themselves have suffered.  The evidence all points in the same direction, is formidable and tallies with common sense.

Peter Mullen, who quotes Halsey in his book, ‘The Secular Terrorist’, remarks that, noticing the social benefits of marriage, any government would do all in its power to strengthen the institution.  But Gordon Brown, who was Chancellor of the Exchequer when these findings were made public knowledge, repeated his refusal to offer tax-relief to married couples, and this state of affairs has remained in the present coalition government.

Now that the UK has legalised homosexual marriage, has Tatchell’s vision been fulfilled?  No!   Marriage has been redefined for homosexual couples, but why should it stop there?  Why confine it to only two people?  Surely polygamy is also possible.  According to Newsweek, more than 500,000 ‘families’ are polyamorous in the USA today.  Reality TV shows are beginning to celebrate polygamy.  Soon incest will be celebrated (after all, there are no problems of genetic interference if it is between members of the same sex).  Then what about paedophilia?

What are the effects on our children? 

UK-based gay activist group, Stonewall, targets every school in the UK with propaganda to protect gay pupils from homophobic bullying, and government legislation insists that gay marriage must be taught in every state school in Britain with no opt out clause.  Children’s books in school include stories of gay and lesbian parents and their children; popular fairy stories are distorted so the handsome prince finds another handsome prince rather than a princess. 

The Riddle Homophobia Scale is implemented in schools in the USA to gauge levels of attitude towards homosexuals, with the intention of moving young people from repulsion through pity, tolerance and acceptance, to positive attitudes including support, admiration, appreciation and nurturance.  We see the same thing happening here in the UK.

What is the effect on Biblical orthodoxy?

The Queen James Bible is a ‘translation’ which affirms the gay agenda throughout scripture; in it, some texts have been rewritten.  For example, it makes much of the event where the Roman centurion asked Jesus to heal his servant.  Because centurions often had young boys as their sexual partners, Jesus is assumed by the translators to have affirmed a gay couple by healing the servant without reprimanding the centurion over the relationship.

Those in favour of the ‘gay’ version of the Bible defend those texts which appear to outlaw homosexuality on the basis that sexual acts are not forbidden but are to be measured by the degree to which homosexuals are welcoming and hospitable.  For us, who believe scripture is to be read and understood by everyone, without resorting to distortion of the text, we find such ideas offensive and blasphemous, an abomination to the God of the Bible.

What is the effect on Christian faith and humanity? 

Our faith is based in the Biblical worldview that God exists, he is the creator of all things, and he created human beings male and female.  This foundational distinction in God’s creation has been attacked in recent times by militant atheism, by science and Darwinism, and now by homosexuality.  Ultimately, the foundations of humanity are being attacked.  Gender becomes the enemy.  The logical consequence of accepting and celebrating homosexuality as normal, is the complete exclusion of gender differences.  Before long, not ‘gay schools’ but gender neutral schools and gender neutral toy catalogues will be the norm.  The latter are already commonplace in Sweden; the UK won’t be far behind.

As we’ve shown, the negative knock-on effects of Tatchell’s vision are many.  But this is the path the leaders of our nation are doggedly and proudly marching down, and discerning citizens who value the freedom to disagree with the status quo will find the days ahead increasingly challenging.  Bible-believing Christians will especially come under attack for being counter-cultural by celebrating God’s created order for mankind. 

A perceived act of kindness towards the tiny minority of homosexuals in the UK back in 1967, in the form of the Homosexuality Bill, opened the door for an aggressive campaign which affects everyone, whether they like it or not.  Behind that, there is a demonic agenda, which deliberately oversteps and overturns God’s boundaries.  The Bible warns that lawlessness will increase in the Last Days (2 Thessalonians 2); the blatant flaunting of God’s order illustrated in this article boosts the argument that we’re living in those days now. 


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