The General Election

In just over two weeks’ time, the most unpredictable election in recent times will take place.  The media is full of policies being put forward by all the political parties for dealing with the NHS, the economy, education, immigration, etc.  But there is silence surrounding the all-important issue of our departure from our Christian heritage and the inevitable consequences of forging a way forward without God.  With few exceptions, politicians steer away from acknowledging any debt we owe to our God-fearing past, and still less, advocate embracing Christian values if we’re to experience blessing as a nation.

Truth is, Christian faith has had a hugely positive influence on our national heritage, shaping laws, culture, language and the rise of social institutions such as welfare, healthcare, education and government.  Now the government has defined ‘British values’ and set these in concrete as the foundation on which our society is to flourish - yet they are being used to penalise and marginalise Christian faith.  Excellent schools with a Christian ethos are failing Ofsted inspections because they cannot in all conscience comply with every aspect of ‘British values’. 

Life in Britain today is not post-Christian, it’s anti-Christian.   Contrary to God’s good laws, the value of human life is very cheap, considering that every year a fifth of all pregnancies end in abortion, and there are frequent pushes to legalise assisted suicide.  Family life is being eroded to the extent that little over half of all 16 year olds have a father in the house.  New shapes of marriage and family are being actively encouraged; traditional marriages and families are considered outmoded by the elite.  Parents are no longer considered to be the best people to bring up children; the State is rapidly taking over the role completely.  Nurses, doctors, teachers, foster carers, magistrates, relationship counsellors, street preachers and others have already been penalised because of their Christian faith, and Christians are facing more and more challenges in the workplace and in community service.  Christian conscience and expression is increasingly being suppressed.

Our hope lies in the return of Jesus in the near future, to bring order out of the chaos which is rapidly descending upon us.  Apart from him, the future looks bleak.  In the next Parliament, regardless of the colour of the government, it’s likely that euthanasia will be legalised, marriage will be further liberalised, and sex education will be made compulsory in infant schools. That’s the least we can expect.  It’s likely that transgenderism, polyamory and transhumanism will be popular news items, with pressure being placed on the government to normalise and promote these and similar issues.   This is the natural consequence of our politician’s choices.  Our nation is getting what it deserves for turning its back on God and his ways. 

So what are Christians to do?  Spoil their ballot paper?  Refuse to vote?   Like never before, we need the Christian voice in the corridors of power.  David Cameron needs to know that instituting same-sex marriage, and legalising Genetically Modified babies (for example) are nothing to be proud of.  These things may now be legal, but that doesn’t make them right or good.  In God’s estimation, such things invite his judgement.

Our vote is important.  Look at your local MP’s voting record on issues which affect the very heart and core of our nation (see to find out how your MP has voted), and hold them to account if they have delivered ungodly votes in the past.  Vote for the ones who have upheld Christian values and let them know that’s why you’ll be voting for them.  Let’s pray for Christian MP's to be elected, regardless of party, who will be a voice in Parliament which will challenge ungodliness and call for God’s ways to be honoured and revered in our nation, before it’s too late.


Yes! Let's all do so.

Amen to that. If, as it's estimated, 40% of the population are undecided how to vote, let's get OUR cross on the ballot paper. If we don't, other groups will. "7:14 Election Prayer UK", praying for an hour at 7.14 pm on Wednesday 6th May outside Havering Town Hall, for our community and our nation.

Couldn't agree more!!

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