Deafening silence

Over the last weekend of September, we witnessed an unusual phenomenon – a lunar eclipse coinciding with what is known as a ‘super moon’ where the moon appears much larger than its actual size.  The eclipse engendered much speculation, since it was the fourth ‘blood moon’ (so-called because it appears red in colour during the eclipse) in a series of four which occurred on the Jewish feasts of Passover and Tabernacles in successive years.

These tetrads of blood moons on Jewish feasts do not often occur, and when they do, there are often very significant events happening in Israel at the same time.  For example, there was a tetrad of blood moons around the year 1948, when Israel became established as a nation, and another tetrad around the year 1967 when Jerusalem was returned to Jewish control.

Whilst the significance of the recent tetrad may not be fully apparent yet, it would be wise to keep our eyes on events in Israel in this season, since they may well indicate God’s current strategy for both Israel and the world.

With this in mind, one important event relating directly to Israel took place just a few days later, when Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations in what has been dubbed his ‘deafening silence’ speech.  And what a powerful speech it was!  Netanyahu spoke forcefully against the nuclear deal with Iran, clearly illustrating the folly of celebrating such an agreement.  His warning had the ring of an Old Testament prophet.

If we want to develop the gift that the Men of Issachar had (1 Chronicles 12:32) the situation in Iran is something we must keep a watchful eye on in these days.  As Netanyahu so eloquently said:

Ladies and Gentlemen, check your enthusiasm at the door.  This deal doesn’t make peace more likely.   In the wake of the nuclear deal, Iran is spending billions of dollars on weapons and satellites.  You think Iran is doing that to advance peace? You think hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief and fat contracts will turn this rapacious tiger into a kitten? If you do, you should think again.   I have long said that the greatest danger facing our world is the coupling of militant Islam with nuclear weapons.  And I’m gravely concerned that the nuclear deal with Iran will prove to be the marriage certificate of that unholy union.   I know that some well-intentioned people sincerely believe that this deal is the best way to block Iran’s path to the bomb.  But one of history’s most important yet least learned lessons is this: The best intentions don’t prevent the worst outcomes.

Last month, Khamenei once again made his genocidal intentions clear before Iran’s top clerical body, the Assembly of Experts.  He spoke about Israel, home to over six million Jews.  He pledged, ‘There will be no Israel in 25 years’.  Seventy years after the murder of six million Jews, Iran’s rulers promise to destroy my country.  Murder my people.  And the response from this body, the response from nearly every one of the governments represented here has been absolutely nothing!  Utter silence!  Deafening silence.

        (At this point, Netanyahu paused for 44 seconds.)

Perhaps you can now understand why Israel is not joining you in celebrating this deal.  If Iran’s rulers were working to destroy your countries, perhaps you’d be less enthusiastic about the deal.  If Iran’s terror proxies were firing thousands of rockets at your cities, perhaps you’d be more measured in your praise.  And if this deal were unleashing a nuclear arms race in your neighborhood, perhaps you’d be more reluctant to celebrate.

Netanyahu went on to warn the West that nuclear weapons would not only be a threat to Israel, but to Europe and America, bringing mass destruction anytime, anywhere.  But swearing to destroy Israel over and above any other enemy is a sign to us that God’s End-Time scenario is playing out, and while Netanyahu prophesied to the UN only last week, prophecies from hundreds of years before Christ are also being fulfilled in our day.  Netanyahu proclaimed:

So here’s my message to the rulers of Iran: Your plan to destroy Israel will fail. Israel will not permit any force on earth to threaten its future.  And here’s my message to all the countries represented here: Whatever resolutions you may adopt in this building, whatever decisions you may take in your capitals, Israel will do whatever it must do to defend our state and to defend our people.

The battle lines are drawn.  So let’s watch and pray.  The days ahead will be fraught with obstacles but Netanyahu’s vision for Israel to survive coincides with the scriptures, although the peace process he is involved in does not.  The scriptures are clear that the nations will unite against Israel, determined to destroy her.  But in her desperation, Israel will call out to the Lord and Jesus will return as King of Kings, subduing every enemy and establishing Jerusalem as the joy of the whole earth (Psalm 48). 


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