The gender revolution

How many of us who lived through the Sixties realised at the time the enormity of what was taking place?  Bob Dylan never prophesied a more accurate word when he sang: ‘The times they are a-changin’.  Most of us had no idea what was really going on, though there was definitely a buzz in the air – even if it was a sharp intake of breath as one by one former boundaries were challenged and broken.

The Sixties were hailed as the era of rebellion and revolution – an age of new freedom, with ‘sex and drugs and rock’n’roll’ as the hallmark.  Restraint was thrown to the wind.  Legislation decriminalised homosexuality and abortion.  New laws allowed for divorce, and freedom from theatre censorship.  The Pill allowed for free sex, and the Beatles advocated Eastern mysticism and the use of hallucinating drugs.  The radical Feminist movement took off and women became career-minded like never before.  The traditional family structure was questioned and reshaped; marriage gave way to cohabitation and multiple relationships on a vast scale.

We are still living with the impact of the Sixties and reaping the consequences of things that happened back then.  Right now, there is another revolution taking place in our society – and the impact may change our lives for ever, just as the Sixties revolution has done.  Today’s challenge is the gender revolution – i.e. the revolution that wants to overthrow gender.

It’s not just an isolated fad.  Concerned young people all over Northern Europe and the US are refusing to be labelled as straight, gay or bi.  Some refuse to be labelled at all, while others are inventing a whole new terminology to describe their sexual or gender preferences, which may change from time to time.  There are at least sixteen different categories, plus mixtures of categories, into which young people may decide to place themselves.  They include, for example, pansexual, gender queer, gender fluid or non-binary.  The actual definition of these categories is a personal matter.

What might seem at first to be a fad or a fashion has deep, insidious implications.  God created us male and female, but that won’t do for modern , anti-God society.  No longer are we living with the traditional binary construct – and we are forced to recognise that we are in the midst of a deep societal change which will inevitably be reflected in our behaviours, laws and public services.

It’s the trans community who have raised the issue in the public square.  They have blazed a trail in gender fluidity, and now their needs are being accommodated.  For example, in Brighton and Hove, where there is a 40,000 strong LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer/questioning) population, the Council wants to promote the gender neutral society.  To prove it, all of their new toilets are gender accessible.

It’s more than just access to toilets however.  A transgender from Bath is appealing after being sent to an all-male prison.  In Virginia, US, the federal court ruled that a transgender male should have access to the girls changing rooms in his high school.  Leisure Centres are considering trans only training sessions as an option.  The NHS is incorporating gender sensitive services.  The Trans Equality Panel in Brighton and Hove have already introduced the prefix MX as an alternative to binary GP registration.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  The impact will affect us all – and, more importantly, the up and coming generation.  We probably won’t realise the degree of the impact until it has well and truly hit, and we look back, as we look back to the Sixties now.  When Same-Sex Marriage became law, over 600 separate pieces of legislation had to be amended to include the new status quo.  Far, far more will be affected by accommodation to the gender revolution.

The beauty and simplicity of male and female is at stake today.  More than that, the God who created man and woman, and designed them to live in perfect harmony with distinctive characteristics and a mutual need of each other, is being rejected in favour of a chaotic ‘freedom’ of man’s own making. 

Since God’s desire is for a pure and spotless bride for his bridegroom son, Satan will go to any lengths to destroy that concept.  While God created distinctives (right and wrong, male and female, heaven and hell, good and evil) Satan is out to blur the edges and shunt mankind towards androgyny, where all is one and one is all.  His plan is doomed but in the meantime it will result in chaos, at the cost of countless people’s lives and well-being.


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